Saving lives at the forefront of the airport, Shin Ho-cheol (Director of the Incheon International Airport Medical Center). Soaring of paper planes. Represented Korea at a paper airplane contest, Lee Seung-hoon (Paper Airplane Contest Athlete). A pioneer of Korea's architecture, an internationally renowned. The master's building around the world, Seung H-Sang (Architect). Playing various characters, he makes people curious every time. Soars endlessly, Im Si-wan (Actor / Former Boygroup Member).
- Talk, Comedy
- Korean
Cast & Crew
- Yoo Jae-suk , Jo Se-ho
- Park Hee-yeon, Kim Min-seok, Lee Eon-joo
- Lee Jong-hyuk, Lee Ki-yeon, Min Jeong-won, Kim Na-ra, Lee Eon-joo, Lee Hyang-ran, Park Hee-yeon